Welcome to SkipPLANNER
SkipPLANNER is the very latest in working electronically in the Waste and Recycling industry. Our web-based platform enables you to easily create and manage jobs electronically, and keep a track of what bins (and how many) are on what sites.
Electronic ticketing means everything is invoiced as it should be, and provides quick and easy access to job information, as well as an efficient way to deal with queries.
Management features such as auto-emailing of Orders and Tickets, and flagging skips that have been on sites too long, help keep your operation running smoothly.
Coupled with our vehicle tracking system, you can easily see everything on one map, from your vehicles to Deliveries/Exchanges/Collections, and even the actual sites (with bin/skip counts conveniently displayed) – therefore planning the day’s work couldn’t be simpler.
The built-in Pricing Matrix allows you to set your pricing requirements so that the correct pricing is always quoted, and also allows great flexibility for you to adjust pricing on a bespoke customer basis or using other parameters such as distance/area.
Keeping Track of your Bins on Sites

SkipPLANNER automatically accounts for every bin/skip that is ordered and supplied, and therefore can display exactly what is on a site at any given time.
The Skip Configurator allows for any bin sizes and types, so everything can be accounted for.

Flagged Skips

Set the number of days for each bin type, and let the system automatically flag skips that have been on sites too long.

Manage all your Permits using SkipPLANNER, and receive automatic alerts when permits require renewal.
Set different expiry parameters for each local authority.

Automatic Control of Information
The system can automatically apply all the relevant information to each job, including:
- EWC Codes
- SIC Codes
- EA District
Also create mandatory requirements such as Customer PO Reference, and ensure that 100% of waste types are recorded on every job, by every driver.
Bespoke Pricing Matrix
Our built-in Skip Configurator allows for any combination of pricing parameters, using…
Waste Type
Bin Size
Tonnage and Haulage
Job Type
Price Zones
Customer Category

Emails and Tickets
SkipPLANNER will replicate your paperwork to your exact requirements, and provide the facility to create your own auto-email templates, which can confirm orders and job completions.
Photos, signatures, and weighbridge information can all be included in the ticket.

User-friendly app

Waste Reports

Allow SkipPLANNER to produce your monthly Customer Waste Reports and quarterly EA Reports, automatically or at the touch of a button.
Eradicate lost days compiling data.
SkipPLANNER does it all for you, with no fuss.
Other Features
• Fully integrated with our in-house Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management systems
• Allows for integration with Weighbridge Software, or use SkipPLANNER to directly input weighbridge data
• Dynamic Maps – Google maps allows you to see everything in one place, and manage jobs not completed on the day
• Allows for integration with Accounts Software
• Create Invoicing Templates and Exports
• Manage Aggregate Deliveries and Haulage