Welcome to ACMETRIX
Do you know who is on site at this moment? How much distance they’re keeping from other employees, or which locations they’ve visited this month? ACMetrix is the very latest in cloud-based Site Management Systems, providing a complete package for both Main Contractors and Sub-Contractors, to the benefit of all.
ACMetrix allows you to share information and documentation in real-time, eradicate lost hours on all sides, gain clear visibility on site attendance and performance, and improve all-round health and safety, and compliance. Fully integrated with our other Bridge Management Systems, you will have access to report and manage incidents, itemise equipment, and can plug-in to our Fleet Management System, our Incident Desk, our Electronic Job System, and our ANPR Site Control System.
Registration options to suit your needs
Pre-site registration enables you to convey all manner of induction material (including videos) to sub-contractor operatives, prior to arrival at a site, and operatives can also provide you with all their necessary information in advance, saving time for everyone. Operatives are required to confirm understanding of information provided, and digitally sign via their App.
ACMetrix offers four different ways to record site attendance, which can be operated in a mix-and-match fashion across multiple or individual sites, making it the most versatile and flexible access control system on the market.

- DigiBook – Signing-In via a Tablet
- GPS APP – Auto Signing-In via APP, including provision for Social Distancing.
- BIOMETRIC Fingerprint scan, with/without TURNSTILE Entry
- BIOMETRIC Facial Recognition with/without TURNSTILE Entry
All options utilise CSCS Verification, and are fully integrated with iEVO, ACT, and Dahua.
Fast and efficient inductions
Need to reduce time spent inducting Operatives? Trying to reduce queuing at entry points to maintain social distancing?

With ACMetrix it takes approximately 45 seconds for a Contractor to set up an Operative on the Web Portal, and a Site Manager less than 2 minutes to complete an Operative Induction and Registration. Compare this with your typical induction process and the time savings soon add up – allowing more time for the Site Manager to add value to the project, and more time for Operatives to complete the work.
- Secure, individual logins allow Operatives to complete Pre-Site Inductions on a Smartphone in advance, making for very quick registrations on arrival; saving time and money, for Constructors and Contractors.
- Inductions tailor-made to each individual site – using Video, Pictures, and/or Documentation.
- When required, on-site Inductions can be completed (or additional information given at arrival), and Operatives can sign to acknowledge their understanding, via the ACMetrix app.
- Offline inductions allow a Site Manager to add photos of a paper induction so that these can appear alongside digital records.

Control at your fingertips
Quickly account for all persons present on site (including visitors) in the event of an evacuation.
Site managers can initiate a digitally live Fire Muster from their smartphone app, and designated officials (including Black hats) can then use their app to register Operatives as safe and accounted for entirely in real-time, at unlimited Assembly Points around the site. This ensures a fast and efficient muster on larger sites, and promotes social distancing despite the need for gatherings.

Equipment/Asset Management
ACMetrix allows for Equipment/Assets to be registered, and allocated to sites. This can be done at Main Contractor level, but also Sub-Contractors can control their own assets via their portal.
- Register an Asset
- Allocate it to a Site
- Assign Certifications and Testing/Calibration requirement
- Automatically notified of Expiry etc
- Ensure you are Compliant
Cloud based storage and handling
ACMetrix allows both Main Contractors and Sub-Contractors to store documentation relating to projects and their business in general.
Documents can be company-wide or site-specific, and marked for sharing, enabling submission of RAMS for example, or sharing of site plans or other important information.
Expiry Notifications are triggered automatically to both Main Contractors and Sub-Contractors, with as much notice as required, to ensure your site is always compliant.

- Store documentation securely in the cloud
- Reduce paper
- Save on storage space
- Share Documents online
- Automatically monitor expiry of Certifications and RAMS
Create and monitor tasks and training
Bespoke tasks can be created for one-off scenarios or recurring requirements such as…
- Toolbox Talks
- PAT Testing
These can then be assigned internally or to a sub-contractor, who is immediately notified of work required, and displayed on a colour-coded calendar for easy reference and monitoring of progress.
Tasks links seamlessly with our Training module, allowing visibility of completed sessions and creating reminders of upcoming course expiration dates.

Incident Reporting and Management
ACMetrix allows for Incidents to be reported at any level, and then flagged to relevant parties automatically, allowing them to be managed through to closure. Company and Site statistics can be displayed via the main portal, and site reporting and analysis is available to the Site Manager and to Sub-Contractors alike.

Report incidents by:
- Site Manager via Web Portal or Phone/Tablet app
- Head Office level via Web Portal
- Operative via Phone app
- Sub-Contractor via Web Portal
- Third party Security Company (when using the BridgeVISION Incident Management System)
Root Causes can be categorised and detailed to your own design, so that every incident captured can be fed into a statistical analysis feature, to produce Reports, Graphs, and Trends.
All your statistical analysis of Incidents can be viewed in real-time, meaning monthly Health & Safety meetings can utilize up-to-the-minute data that doesn’t take days to compile.
Responding to COVID-19
As part of our immediate development response to the Coronavirus outbreak, we have added several COVID related enhancements.
ACMetrix allows both Main Contractors and Sub-Contractors to record COVID-19 test results, and these results can be used to automatically determine if an operative may be authorised access to a site, or barred for a set period.
Covid-19 test status of an operative is system-wide, thereby preventing an infected person accessing sites of other Main Contractors, during their quarantine period.

Site Managers can now log Thermal Alerts against operatives that display signs of fever; whether this is initially identified using thermal imaging cameras or guns, or simply by physical observation.
Each Thermal Alert can then be linked to further temperature readings, additional notes, and actual COVID tests.
Site Managers can initiate a Thermal Alert with one-click in the Site Manager app.
Additional information can be recorded against the operative, for future references, or to support subsequent measures taken to either refuse or allow entry to site.

We’ve always had the ability to allow entry to site via a smartphone App, but now we can use this method of access control to actively manage social distancing on site.
Operatives can be signed in automatically, just by having the GPS enabled on their smartphone.
Alternatively, arrivals and departures can be managed by the operative “clocking IN/OUT” on their device, and this is background-checked against GPS to ensure this has been done at the chosen site.

The ACMetrix Operative App can utilise a phone’s GPS to provide generalised location information on sites. We are able to overlay a grid mesh onto a site map and monitor the number of people across the grid squares, to alert the Site Manager in real-time to potential overcrowding that may infringe social distancing guidelines.
The system also allows us to create bespoke Zones on sites that can be monitored to understand general “people traffic”, and provide analysis of an operative’s working habits and/or site utilisation; this can be used to aid site planning for social distancing measures and to determine optimal people-flow routes around a site.

An accurately drawn site map can be broken into 30m x 30m squares, and you can set a “limit” to the number of people in any grid square. This will trigger an alert to the Site Manager’s PC or Phone APP, thereby flagging potential areas of concern so that a swift assessment can be undertaken in real-time, without constant monitoring of the whole site area.
Additional Zones within the Site can be drawn to exact shape/size to further monitor potential overcrowding, and individual “people limit triggers” can be set for each Zone.

Who benefits from ACMetrix?
Main Contractor Benefits
- Who is on your Sites, and when?
- CSCS Card Verification
- Electronic FIRE MUSTER
- Pre-Site Inductions on Smartphones
- Fully Connected Site Access – single enrolment for multiple site access
- Overview of ALL your sites from ONE portal
- Prevent Barred Operatives gaining access to other Sites – Yellow and Red Cards can be tagged against Operatives
- Electronic Visitor Record
- Improve Compliance – automatically monitor expiry/review of RAMS
- Report and Manage Incidents on sites
- Manage and Control Equipment on sites
- TIME SAVINGS for Site Managers at critical times of the day
Sub-contractor Benefits
- Visibility of your Operatives on Sites
- Much Faster Access to Sites
- More Time WORKING on Sites
- Pre-Site Inductions on Smartphones
- Submit RAMS Online – speed up admin
- Operative Welfare
- Enhance your Accreditations and Manage Compliance
- Fully Connected Site Access – single enrolment for multiple site access
- Manage poor performance
- TIME SAVINGS for Operatives
- Win more Business from other Constructors using ACMetrix